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Payment account for trust fund

Whether you’re establishing a trust for your loved ones’ needs or are a professional trustee, feel free to contact us to open an account.

You can TRUST us

Why open an account for your trust fund with PAYMONT?

CREDIBILITY – We are a company with Czech-Slovak shareholders who have been operating in the Czech market for over 20 years


SECURITY – Your money is always protected as we keep it secured in accounts with reputable lending institutions


SIMPLICITY – Easily create an account for your trust fund online. Simply send us the necessary documents via email and verify your identity using the Ondato online verification service. We’ll take care of the rest


SPEED AND FLEXIBILITY – it takes too long to open an account at your bank or if they have rejected your application, don’t hesitate to contact us. We’ll open an account for you within a week of the delivery of all documents


PERSONAL APPROACH – if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact our sales representatives (, +420 734 568 947, Olivova 2096/4, Prague 1)


UTILITY – Manage CZK and EUR (SEPA) payments conveniently from one multi-currency account. Easily exchange between currencies at advantageous rates as needed


TRANSPARENCY – We believe in openness. Below, you can find a breakdown of the costs associated with opening and maintaining an account, as well as the requirements for account opening


What we’ll need from you
  • Fill out the KYC (Know Your Client) form
  • Statement from the non-public part of the trust register
  • Trust Fund Statutes
  • Organigram showing the connection of the trust with other persons (settlor, trustee, protector or other persons)
  • Document evidencing the acceptance of a mandate by the trustee to administer the trust
  • Verification of the identity of the settlor, the beneficiaries, the trustee and the protector (if appointed) through the Ondato online verification service
  • Documents proving the origin of the funds of the founder or any other person who contributes funds to the trust fund, if they exceed CZK 25,000
How much is it going to cost you
Application processing fee 2500 CZK / 100 EUR
Account maintenance fee / month 1250 CZK / 50 EUR
Transfers within PAYMONT UAB Free of charge
Incoming payment in CZK Free of charge
Incoming SEPA transfer (EUR) Free of charge
Outgoing payment in CZK (within the Czech Republic) 2 CZK / 0.1 EUR
Outgoing SEPA transfer (EUR) 2 CZK / 0.1 EUR
Incoming international payment outside SEPA (SHA) Free of charge
Outgoing non-SEPA eligible payment (SHA) 190 CZK / 8 EUR


In the case of more complex structures and increased complexity in terms of KYC/AML, the tariff can be negotiated individually.

Payment account

  • Open an account in various currencies including EUR, GBP and CZK
  • Manage multiple currencies from one account
  • Remote account opening
  • Simple application form (only takes 10 minutes to complete)
  • Personalized approach (individual application review)
  • Get help from our team at any point of the registration process
  • Local payments via SEPA and TARGET
  • Pay out from EUR into 150+ international currencies via SWIFT
  • Fixed SEPA transfer rate
  • Free transactions between Paymont accounts
Internet Banking
  • Manage your account with intuitive internet banking/li>
  • 24/7 access to your Paymont account through our internet banking
  • Multiple access to your business account
    • Grant your business partner access to your business account
    • Set rules for each user and control account activity
Unique IBANs
  • Reach customers across the EU with an IBAN in your own name
  • 2-step verification to protect your funds
  • 100% safeguarded funds – Your money is protected at all times as we hold it in safeguarded accounts with respectable credit institutions

Foreign exchange

  • Currency exchange in real time
  • At favorable rates
  • User friendly interface

Open banking

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